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I want to feel alive

I intend to let go of thoughts of loneliness, which affect my health and my soul. I do not want to fall into anxiety and depression. I do not want to be in the dark anymore. Let me into the light, and strengthen my soul and my presence. I wish to feel feelings of positivity, and to let these thoughts take precedence over a happier identity. I want to sow seeds every day, and not let the thought of loneliness win. I wish to turn the coin and not to project and twist impressions, thoughts, perceptions, interpretations and experiences.

I have to stop overanalyzing. I need to not to let sadness take over, and to open my eyes and see a horizon. I want to widen perspectives in my mind. That's probably what the living woman in me needs. I want to find her again, she who was happy, safe and laughing. She who was confident. I want to find her there. She who sparkled, and hide away the woman, who writes off her sad and deep thoughts at night.

I want to feel alive, free and whole.

Fri vers av Valkyria-Fatale
Läst 176 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2021-05-10 13:37

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