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Courting muses means hard work for me; though I like it:)

Mused; a sonett

My beloved, will you come to me again?
Ignite my veins with warm and lovely words
recharge my lines disciple their herds
temper my mind with bridle and rein?

Yes, will you then, as then and once again
realign with me within this rhyme
among the glimpses of thy dress refine
my vanity; might it mind your might, in vain?

Then, lure me in accord with thy lyre
so newlit lines of wit in eyes of thee aspire
let me lose to gain thy ease; lace my twines

or, grace me with parole, on your discount
please, write it on me, charge my account
a kiss for your zeal, will you countersign?

Bunden vers (Sonett) av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 132 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2022-12-14 11:05

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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP