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For Saint Andrew - A Midsummer's Tale

Sapphic love from up above
is swirling with sea gulls
and mating with doves
pride is more than one
week in the year
Sapphic Love
from up above
reveal your Muse
oracle of Delphi
tell me I'm not selfish
and bless this union
make holy this communion
in poetry and sculpture
art in its myriad expression
I know you'll grant
this passion
in a very post modern fashion
lesbian love from up above
is swirling with sea gulls
and mating with doves
I was born on Halloween
so that's my mojo
and my father's name
yes it true it was Joe
and folk called me Little Joe
Kramer had the power to retrieve
and lacked the power to deceive
I wonder what magic will unravel
for one and all this Midsummer's eve
as I travel with my guitar
to celebrate this Nordic custom
among tall lads with broad shoulders
and girls, by Saint Andrew,
they are buxom, or lean
and lithesome...
If I count right we'll have its yield
the beginning of next Spring, with some luck, sir
maybe I'll be a father
whether or not these couples
have exchanged
engagement rings
lives will change
and mothers will sing
this poem of constancy
lesbian love from up above
is swirling with sea gulls
and mating with doves
and as the Bard said
"Aye, there's the rub"

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 47 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2023-06-09 16:01

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