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A playful try to listen to "the Music of the Spheres", by looking for the quint in the quant; and vice versa.

Quint Mechanics; a sonnet

As quarks defy all limits with their quirks,
embody flows of flirts into a well,
the quant refines the limits of a quint,
unifies a verse beyond its shell.

Flamboyant tones then buoy in reeds of notes
quick in quest to quote in coats of wit,
compliments, in weaves of anecdote,
play their score of notes so neatly knit.

Quants of tones qualify their points in keys
then dots emerge what fields might merge;
light the mind, as the tangent touch the bow.

So quarks will quack in quints that tease
corals of the sea to rehearse with urge;
spheres, all ears, sing chorals as they glow.


Quantum mechanics, quarks, quints, quants
and the Music of the Spheres:

Bunden vers (Sonett) av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 100 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2023-06-19 10:14

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  Sparvögat VIP
A maze of tones fall ~
as a chore...

Allt som har med musik att göra är väldigt intressant...även om man inte förstår allt...kul att läsa dock...

  Kajan VIP
Väldigt elegant utformad, till den minsta beståndsdel .

  the apache kid VIP
Fun, clever and entertaining. I like it!

  Lustverket VIP
Fin uppvisning i kvintmekanik, du får fortsätta med en hel svit - uppkvarkens, nerkvarkens, bosonerna, oändliga harmonier!

  Marita Ohlquist VIP
Tar plats i kören och sjunger en lovsång till naturens minsta byggstenar.
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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP