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(tredje inlägget i rad under min sjukhus vistelse / 22/8/23 / beklagar eventuella stavfel / dålig formatering / skriver från en mobil telefon)

In memory of David and Gary



Obama tried to make health care reforms

But the changes no one was taken by storm


In Sweden we are gauranteed equal health care

In USA when your insurance runs out you are shit out of luck when you get there


Mental health patients are sent to a state hospital, and I stress state

This is the absolute worst of American psychiatry, what a fate


Barbed wire fence surrounds the basketball court

And I was at such a state hospital when my money ran short


In a psychiatry hospital you will find all kinds of personalities

But here I want to concentrate on two patients that left memories


David and Gary


To see this type of thing it shakes your confidence in God, scary


David was catatonic, and Gary walked around like he was lost in the woods

The workers certainly neglected plenty of coulds


There was a seperate room where they counted how much we ate

Catatonic David, I saw it first-hand, got to remain in the main room and took 10 minute breaks between each spoon of soup that he ate


It was a sorrow scene the whole psychiatry

And Gary walked around some pattern endlessly


Checking his door every tenth minute if it was locked

Yes it was, he wasn't schocked


He wanted to lay down that is

And every time he tried to lay down in the main room on a bench there was a voice with a hiss

That it wasn't allowed


David was catatonic, in other words did not move

Except for every fifteenth minute something to his subconsciouns soothe


One time he was standing, just standing there in the bathroom

Someone had to tap him on his shoulder that this was not yet his tomb


And the giant heart I possess

I have two strongest memories of these persons that will be no less


Apparently we had the luxury of receiving the Chicago Tribune for I was reading the sports section

Ans David awoke from his catatonic state to ask how the Chicago Cubs were doing

I gave him their record in the standings


And just as quickly he sunk his body in to a landing


Before I wish them a flight into the sky

I want to tell the strongest memory of Gary, when we said hi


Mind both these persons were practically unreachable

But one time I made eye contact with Gary and he blinked

A soul inside detectable, and detected

...Now I feel at peace telling what I had inspected

At that state hospital stay I think it was two-thousand one


And my third piece in a row from a Swedish psychiatric hospital ends simply as

May David and Gary be where the angels fly!

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Läst 78 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-22 13:38

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  Page Goldenboy VIP
well thank you. a sad story indeed.

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