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The Café Latte Blues

Oprah's working hard to make a blended country
David is the Messiah on a Budget in a
county called Montgomery
Once upon a time before the deluge
and the change in climate
I was looking for refuge
in a suburban Maryland town

He was a friend of mine
In our quest for Zion

Dreams of milk and honey
come and go
and a haystack full of money
is now what they tell me I need
to show to prove my success

But, soon I begin to discover
that you gotta find the
musical cues and pay your dues
if you want to learn to play slide guitar
like Bonnie Raitt
and sing the Cafe Latte Blues

I thought we could find it in our minds
I thought that we could find it in our hearts
Because I believed that's
where the concepts are alive
and ideas are given birth to start
It's so easy to get disheartened
and look for a new life apart from the old way
and not accept beliefs that are routinely
bought and sold

And soon I began to discover
that you gotta find the
musical cues and pay your dues
if you want to learn to play slide guitar
and sing the Cafe Latte Blues

I need some new friends or
discover a new lover
before the sun sets and night
envelops my being
when only fireflys is what I'm seeing
There's a crescent moon on the horizon
and I have a feeling that it's guiding me on
to tomorrow

Yes you gotta find the musical cues
If you want to learn to play slide guitar
like Bonnie Raitt
and sing the Cafe Latte Blues

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 85 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2023-09-16 21:54

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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP