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Doing time in the universal mind


Searching for the questions when there is no answer searching for the answer when there is no questions
I was doing time in the universal mind
Carl Jung (bajs psychologist) called it the collective unconscious (or did I get that wrong)
Well it is sort of the same thing as I was doing time in the universal mind
I was turning keys I was setting people free
Now, Page, those are exact The Doors texts , well so is I was doing time in the universal mind
I was going to include it in intro or outro Doing time in the universal mind is The Doors song, or how it is spelled, probably just Universal Mind, too tired to go up and look
So what is it like, why is it important, and why are you writing about, Doing time in the universal mind?
Because that is what I do all the time. Doctors say I got a psychosis. There was this one girl patient that said the problem with us is that we think too much, if I see her again I will say or that the others don’t think enough… that is words of wisdom
So what is it like, why is it important, and why are you writing about, Doing time in the universal mind?
Well I got the Bob Dylan, I re-invent myself all the time, except when I’m doped-down then I just try to chase away the vampires. Note doped-down mean psych. medicines.
So what is it like, why is it important, and why are you writing about, Doing time in the universal mind?
Fee gets enlightened. Anybody remember that. Enlightenment.
So what is it like, why is it important, and why are you writing about, Doing time in the universal mind?
It is the ultimate heightened consciousness trust me I’m MASTER SHRINK.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Page Goldenboy VIP
Läst 31 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-02-21 13:01

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