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Tack till Recycled Redhead 3.0 för inledningsraderna!

Backyard Blues

The future rocks around my past
While I’m stuck within the blast
Such a bummer, a red hot ruse
It’s raging summer but you’re out of juice

It’s a backyard blues
The longer you cook,
The blacker the brew
Backyard blues
Comin’ for you

So now you’re strung up, feelin’ floored
Yeah someone switched you right off the board
And now you’re sinking, like a stone
Yeah you got hung up someone cut the cord

Yeah it’s a backyard blues
The harder it hits,
The blacker the bruise
Backyard blues
Comin’ for you

Attempting to recollect
A memory I thought I knew
A quiet lady, wearing black
And her eyes were full of blue

Yeah it’s a backyard blues
The longer you look,
The blacker the view
Backyard blues
Comin’ for you

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Lustverket VIP
Läst 46 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2024-05-14 11:26

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En bakgårdsblues som svänger och kränger av svärta och sorg både i text och musik.
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