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they should have sent a poet (recension av filmen Contact)



avsiktligt rufsigt

Matthew McNaughey (spelling, butchered the spelling) and Jodie Foster play the main role in this

and if you have seen it is not a romantic thing

they are after the aliens in outer space

really well done movie

matthew mcnaughey has faith and jodie foster doesn’t (or is agnostic)

so in the beginning, towards the beginning, jodie foster has to convince the management

To keep the alien look-out thing, various electronic gadgets (yes we are talking literal aliens though they don’t have to be from mars), and She Says the Wright brothers everyone laughed at them!!!?!!!!!
and they invented the first airplane, so the management lets the science-alien-lookout stay
and what do you know there is signals from .. ‘’the sky’’
and well it is a really well done movie, one of my top 5, and close to the end
they send Jodie Foster off in this time-ball-machine for lack of a better phrase in my haste to keep my flow of consciousness going, and ..she… encounters the most beautiful world, another dimension, a worm-hole, AND She Says: they should have sent a poet. I get goose bumps (gåshud) every time I see that part of the movie or think about that part … she is a scientist: and they should have sent a poet!
As far as life outside the earth, the movie touches on this, although fiktiv, and give it a shot

Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av Page Goldenboy VIP
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Publicerad 2024-05-14 17:31

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