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In this world.

Mesmerising widow of ancient wood.
Memories of faint past drifting through.
Merry old friends of trusted times.

The dawn of tomorrow brings a greater Truth.
The song of nature embraces our Faith.
Mirror of souls, Time of hope.

The golden gate of heaven or hell.
Down the well you fell and fell.
Black stone walls of barren land.
Borrowed hope, time and sand.
Chains of fury binds beast of light.
Guards of fire brings the velvet night.

Mirror of Time, Bound to stone.
Body of earth, flesh and bone.
Season of change, age of Wonder.
Divide and conquer, Make it thunder.
Liquid Thunder, acid rain.
The longing for something sane.

Mountains of sand, Life of man.
Bring the feast, rejoice if you can.
Darker dimensions, peace of mind.
In this pseudopolis no greater sin I find

Fri vers av Filip
Läst 310 gånger
Publicerad 2006-10-15 17:50

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