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I, the clown

And nothing is gonna make it better
Nothing\'s gonna make it right
All I wanted
Was to hold you through the night
Can\'t you see?
I\'m hanging upside down?
Me - a circus
With only you in the crowd
For you, I\'m a clown
A ballerina
A bearded lady
A lion tamer!
Twisting my legs
While you eat popcorn
Then says \'thanks\' and just...
Luckily I\'ve got a gigantic smile painted on my face
\'cause you mustn\'t see
How my lips truly curls

The show must go on

JN - 07

Fri vers av Joanskij
Läst 483 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-03-17 21:30

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    Bodil Sandberg
En sorgsen dikt det här...orden talar till mig ur en längtan stor som ingen...ja så känns det...när man vill så mycket att det gör ont men inte lyckas nå dit...inom...slutet berättar om mod till trots!!!!Tycker den är jätte jättebra!!!!

#You\'re such a strange girl
I think you come from another world
You\'re such a strange girl
I really don\'t understand a word
You\'re such a strange girl
I\'d like to shake you around and around
You\'re such a strange girl
I\'d like
To turn you
All upside down#

/ Cure
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