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One of those things I thought about after I been out with you, my firend

I will never forget you but I hope you forgive me

You\'re always there for me
You\'re always near to me
But I will always be to far from you and I\'m sorry but I can\'t be who you want me to be
But I love you babe

Those days I\'m with you you make me feel so good
No one exept you make me relax and think
Yeah only you make me think of to day of to morrow of my life
Of to day of to morrow

You\'re always there for me
You\'re always near to me
But I will always be to far from you and I\'m sorry but I can\'t be who you want me to be
But I love you babe

When you hold my hand I feel all warm
When you hold my hand I feel all cold
Because I know I only make you bad and make you wait for me and what kind of woman am I who does souch of thing to you
Who I love

I\'m just one of those who brakes you
Make you feel bad
And this is just one of this song that you never will remember but once you heard it you always will now what I say

You\'re always there for me
You\'re always near to me
But I will always be to far from you and I\'m sorry but I can\'t be who you want me to be
But I love you babe
I will never forget you but I hope you forgive me

Övriga genrer av vitsippebarn
Läst 442 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-05-23 01:04

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