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Har precis börjat gymnasiet och då är det svårt att hålla koll på vilket ämne man har. Tror jag skrev den här på svenskan.. ^^

For you.

When love is floating like a stream
The sun rais up again,
after the rain
The grass slowly gets dry and,
birds start to sing
Than I would like to,
stay in your arms
Than I would like to,
feel your lips to mine
Feel the love spread,
all inside of me
I will lay my wings around you and,
offer my life for you
Do not let the evil come
When we got love,
to give each other
Than the evil will not stay away
But with my sword and shield,
I will deffet it
Because you are my everything

Fri vers av Jul_iia
Läst 637 gånger
Publicerad 2007-09-12 22:27

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