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Lade till sista sakra, sag vagar ni lasa mina grova ord? mohahaha

Vibrations Undeleted scenes



suspicious wetness distracting my disgrace

I want you up and down my body

far inside

thouroughly studying

every line on my face


I have longed for touch 

every breath you speak

closing up upon the accounter

your three days beard makes me

awfully weak


I need claws

I need pulling

I need to be handled well


now tell me

while you attract me

distract me



I announce my virginity

for several months has passed

since last


would you sweat me

wet me

love me

detach me

smoke me

and rock me


say could you

tremble my all

like hell


when you fuck me? 


Fri vers av Skosnöret
Läst 306 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-10-18 22:40

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jag gillar slutraden, den liksom klämmer till på något sätt.


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blev mkt bättre nu.
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