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Kan fortfarande inte det där med att få in kursiv text på poeter.se dessutom kan jag inte skriva på svenska längre men hoppas någon läser denna

Jasmin with those brown eyes

It is this subtle violence
when the shadows show a broken lightbulb
”You do not love
You know that you don’t”

And I
I find ,myself lucky
if ever a little cold
Yet I never go
for that midnight swim we always talked about
it\'s a pity
but nothing to regret

at the same time they won’t kill her but she knows they always can
how do we know what is right and what is not otherwise
(in the darkness they shave her head and leave her bleading)

in my different world I close my eyes
I can’t save I can’t love her but maybe someone can
someone just like me

I open my eyes and I now know
She was not the one who was waiting for me
to love her
but without a word I knew
the night she didn’t bleed to death
I promised that I will never betray
The truth that is
-everybody loves
one day

Fri vers av Queen_of_Rain
Läst 524 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2007-11-23 11:48

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