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Jag gav mig på att skriva en engelsk text.

An angel above

Want to get away from this life
Release yourself from this world
There’s no one left to count on
Nobody can hear but you
There’s no one else

This planet is all empty
All the need is suffocating
The sense is disconnecting
You’re the one and only
all by yourself

I reach for your hand
I reach for your heart
I know that you don’t hear me
and it makes me fall apart

You reach for my life
You reach for my love
You know I’ll never come back
but I’ll guard you from above

All the angels crying and
I’m the one who sheds the most
Won’t face the death without you
and I don’t want you to be lost
and not alone

Won’t welcome eternity
without you

I reach for your hand
I reach for your heart
I know that you don’t hear me
and it makes me fall apart

You reach for my life
You reach for my love
You know I’ll never come back
but I’ll guard you from above

You\'ve been asked what you\'re afraid of
Death, has been your answer
and you\'ve slowly looked up at the sky
when the words have been released
I\'m afraid of death and what comes after,
you say
Beacause my only one is dead
and what if there is nothing after this life,
who will remember her then?

Fri vers av joss
Läst 420 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-14 07:43

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oj oj OJ joss jäääääääääääääääävlar va bra!!! det är verkligen svårt att skriva på engelska men det här är verkligen bara WOOW! APPLÅD och bokmärk :* :* <33

  Micael Axelsson
Rytmen lägger sig såpass väl, att det kändes som om den var tonsatt. Även sättet du lagt upp det verkar vara som om den från början är menad att bli en låt... är det månne så?
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