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Melancholic grey



Fickering films fickers

black and white and grey

so grey...


The audience screams with melancholic lips

Screams so ears bleed until eyes crack

With an colossal big bang

And their cheeks raps around their faces

Still they laugh and they breathe

Oh such heavy breaths they do have!


I smell of their ashes and poison


Silent acters has been put up on a thread

they dances grotesque, marionettes!

oh you stupid puppets!


The audience they laugh so the curtains storm and blaze

Around, around in the room and all is grey

So grey...


Silent stupid child

Why do you sit here and cry

Behind the shield and out of sight

For the perusalglas!


The conductor on this godforgotten train bawls

Bawls so his tonsils and lungs bares open, for me!

Two bloody scraps

Two balls who resembles your cracked scrotum

No more and no less and not a sound

And the sky outside is grey

So grey...


Safety pins holds up smiles on dead mens faces

Dead men in bars!

They drink and drink

and breathe!

The cigarsmoke

is grey

So grey...


The fickering films slowly becomes mine 

Just mine

And my eternity and my reality

My past and my present


My future stands before me

And it is grey

So grey...

Fri vers av Flickan*i*L*för*Lycka*
Läst 279 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-01-21 02:25

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