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then came the dawn
like dawns always do
the dawn of a brand new day
shattered my silly
dreams about you
deleted all that was grey

daylight will bring
many wonderful things
expose a lot of heartache too
snakebites and stings
shimmering rings
detectives without any clues

perfumed nights
in peshawar
makes no difference
where you are
winter fruit or spring creeks
in the mountains
velvet eyes
with starlight skies
mountain stream
a fruitless dream
never to unite
with my own fountain

i came here
to sit and write
yet invaded by this sight
my poor sould surrendered to the urges
there\'s no point in fighting back
when this enemy attacks
i\' ll just wait until
the light emerges

apple blossom
white as snow
wall surrounding jericho
pure like something
pulled right out of heaven
it\'s a game of touch and go
but the little boy won\' t grow
he approaches life
like he\'s still seven

LARZ GUSTAFSSON Febraury 11, 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 345 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-11 16:07

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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP