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Denna dikt/sång tillägnar jag Jesus Kristus, min Frälsare. Han är den mest kärleksfulle, kreative, vänlige och livsbejakande i hela universum. Jag unnar alla att få möta Honom.


let me burn for Your Kingdom
fast and furiously
till there is nothing left
of the wretched carnal me
let me burn like a flame
for those who don\' t know Your name
\'cause since i first met you
life just hasn\' t been the same

grant me strength to do all
the things You want me to do
till i\' m evacuated
from this silly old zoo
they burn kids in malawi
they shoot monks in tibet
and the worst\'s yet to come
we ain\' t seen nothing yet

time is short
time is precious
let me focus on You
anything insignificant
no matter how true
must lure or distract me
come and set me ablaze
nothing else must attract me
as i\' m running this race

LARZ GUSTAFSSON April 1 , 2008

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 348 gånger
Publicerad 2008-04-01 21:33

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Jag hoppas också att alla någon kan
öppna sig för att möta Honom
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Larz Gustafsson
Larz Gustafsson VIP