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The sun is blazing, my skin feels like its about to disolve into water. But in a matter of minutes its gonna feel like dried old parchment. The water is all gone, like colours in winter, sucked out by a mad season. My left boot is worn out, and every step is like walking through burning glas. Im not enjoying myself, too tell the truth.
The horse stopped three hours ago, I had to put a bullet in its brainstem, it didnt suffer, even though thats not a concerne of mine. My damned denims are shaffing, my thighs feel raw and soare like a mahfah.

It maybe that Im gonna die in this god damned waste land, but Im gonna try my very best to catch that son of a bitch that gone and done me wrong! I´ll catch him, and make him suffer, and then he will suffer some more. I´ll tie his ass up and then take my time heating my cattlerod in the fire, make him sweat before the fun starts, then Im gonna burn his balls of! Or maybe I´ll start with his eyes, make him wait in the blackness that I created, wait on my silently inflicted pain. Where is it gonna be the next time, he´ll wonder in terror...

Im delirious , I keep seing things that aint there. Sometimes its faces in the wind, sometimes its monsters shaped like genitals... Those are perticulary scary if Im too be honest. Nothing frightens me more then cocks and cunts...
The sand seems like its taunting me, sneeres and laughs, it seems to be telling me to give up, just lay down and sleep until it can creep down my throat and fill my nostrils.

But something drives me on, like a slavedrivers whipcrack on my back or like water in a mill. Im gonna undo the wrong thats been done to me, gonna undo the one whom done this to me, reduced me into this machine of vengeance.

It feels like I should be dead, but vengeance drives me on...

There is a hellfire, burning slowly, with every breath I take...

Rain have started to fall. Hmm, I wonder what that means? Maybe my brain is cocked like an armadillo in a boiling pot. But then again, perhaps not. I´ve taken my boots of, and my denims. I ripped them to shreds and wrapped them around my poor feet. He´ll pay! Oh yes he will...

Övriga genrer av Claes Eliasson
Läst 569 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-18 00:11

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    Furious Stylez
jävligt nice att den var skriven på engelska, och du formulerar dig lika väl på engelska som på svenska.
det ska bli intressant när tidsperioden för denna berättelse avslöjas helt, själv fick jag lite vilda västern känsla över det hela.

\"Nothing frightens me more then cocks and cunts...\"

en kort rad som jag tycker berättar mycket om karaktären :)
hatten av för denna.

Tycker att det sista stycker framförallt knyter samman, gör att man förstår att du skriver om en slags drift.. som vanligt \"roligt\" eller i all välmening: crazy blandat med creepy. Ser framför mig en mardröm!

\"Im not enjoying myself, too tell the truth.\" Hehe..
Sjysst engelska! Halvläskig text, grym läsning
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Claes Eliasson
Claes Eliasson