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en översättning. säkert en del fel.

lifelong breaths are keeping me awake.

I try not to forget
The way your eyelashes brush against my heart
Everytime you blink
The world stops spinning

I will never be the one I once was
And you will never learn to love me like before
Yesterday will never come back
It doesn’t matter how bad you want it

I creep in on my toes
Trying not to wake you up

Bony beautiful you are
As you lie in my bed
With the covering in the footend
I crawl down beside you
Regretting that I ever left your side

Fri vers av Lina Hellstrand
Läst 351 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-22 18:46

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Lina Hellstrand
Lina Hellstrand