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beyond my words

i breed from inner self another mind a soul a mirror of depth beyond that of man but more of fire stone or sand i heed no call from moon or night without that wind that chill that fright to heaven come and not belong to bring that old lonely song long lost spasm sound from another drumm that beat that bass that ever so eternal wave of dance of making the life and form coulors and shapes forever spiraling to walk to age to become and be sane like for ancients past that came after the great reconing and as those gates closed another path opened to lead to follow to give time its essence and not crave that will but bend it so lightly like lightning forming that desert crown i look for no other jewel than stone of sky of wind of storm and home

ever wondered whats beyond the limits of my words? ever thought about the deep depths between the description of men..

Fri vers av Filip
Läst 244 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-06-29 00:43

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