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engenering of another gate another sphere to bring forth or leave behind the closet kin from depth of man for surviving yourself to gain glory for all that is holy for all that is wood and grain to build a castle high to free that dragon mind another must come this must leave to pass to cleanse that wind of night of desert fright i heed you no i feel me more that anothers hand when no light nor time could mend this broken heart i left my war i told my flesh i hated that light but now they know and here i see my own fault in this warriors creed i held no right nor any thought about what the cost of my lonely heart would crave would give would recieve in order of dagon in storys of old of mystic of magic the serpents rest on old worlds awakening an eye for an eye like the teeth of beast or claws of men when i was small i knew no name yet i understood what world now i doubt i question i demand a thought to pass a name a word for this world within worlds for this mind among men to bend to form into your mirror your answer a question before your thought or a statement straight from deepest sisters would not hold any hope for us

would not hold any hope at all

Övriga genrer av Filip
Läst 249 gånger
Publicerad 2008-06-29 18:56

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