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it still hurts after a year, those thoughts of her, those memories of us. ive never been much for emotions or for feeling a loss towards people.. but her.. she was everything and nothing the past and future... but still i dont remember why i ever though

my modern medusa

and so this night we weep for the fallen for the lost for the past
and so this night we part from the world the time the space
so tonight we become
that memorie no more
that kindle of hope is no more
than smoke on dusty water

so i wish you would rather turn me to stone
to take my fysical form and deprive me of time
rather than breaking my mirror
each time each thought all my strength goes out
like a black hole nothing remains
ill always love my modern medusa
but will i ever live in that world
that hunt
that eternal game of charade

you speak truths tung but without controll
you create an image without reflection
you breath to be confirmed
to gain that edge that hardlined shape
you so well like to follow

ive failed to fold once again
as those serpents of the golden forrest
brings my mind to the melting pot

Fri vers av Filip
Läst 230 gånger
Publicerad 2008-07-01 01:34

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