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i must not hurry, time will take its turn everything has its time if i rush i will crash

a lesson of flesh

to feel such a fall
to grasp for nothing and know
that freedom comes as lovers go
beneath it all a love never dies
but to remember or forget
to live in past or present
ive chased to many nothings
ive seen to much suffering
only to own to have
i bring nothing these days
i observe and behold
but if i find a someone like that
to bring out the spirit to will
just as the one past in golden forests
but untill i see those eyes that charmes in my dreams
i will watch, and learn
and not do that mistake again
to follow the flesh
and not my soul

Fri vers av Filip
Läst 240 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-07-16 20:57

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