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I will possess your heart - DCFC How I wish you could see the potential the potential of you and me It's like a book elegantly bound but in a language that you can't read - Just yet

Love for you my darling

Love doesn't have a limit nor a timeline
it just exists above or beneath everything
Some day soon you will disappear

I know it because I've seen it in your eyes
I've felt it in the air that's surrounding you
I 've tasted it through your lips

I need you to say the words out loud
the ones that'll make me fall
and crash to the ground

And I promise you

I shall crawl into my own dirt
while I'll pick up my pieces
through the ones
that actually belongs to you

I will look at them, feel them
hold them in my hand
But then I'll bury them
in a funeral for you and me

Fri vers av Bevingad
Läst 229 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-24 22:30

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