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Jag är inte redo att släppa temat dröm kontra verklighet än...... Vissa saker verkar ta tid att bearbeta. Denna gång ett försök att säga det på engelska.

The man of my dreams

Yes, I confess,

I thought I was in love with you.


Yes, it´s true,

I said I had fallen for you.


But now it´s time

to face the truth

I hope you´ll understand


I fell in love

with the man of my dreams

I called him by your name.


The man of my dreams

when he smiled at me

I gave him your smile


He made wonderful love to me

with a body like yours


I heard him whisper in my ear

he was using your voice


Oh, those wonderful dreams

I miss them still

but he was never you


I never meant to decive you

my dreams were leading me on


If you ever dreamt of a woman 

if you called her by my name


I hope with all my dreamers heart

your dreams were as sweet as mine
















Fri vers av desperado
Läst 551 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2008-12-12 19:27

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Jätteproffsigt, snyggt och fiffigt

    Bodil Sandberg
Snyggt jättesnyggt..den skulle sättas musik till helt klart!
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