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you do damage to yourself

it´s the art of self destruction

you do bad things to yourself

you´ve been submitted to seduction

still it´s you and no one else

you invent the situations

you do damage to yourself

and you always reap frustration

harvests comes from planting seeds

it´s the art of agriculture

mustard doesn´t grow on trees

beauty doesn´t grow on vultures

now your field is full of weeds

and your mind has been polluted

still you know that certain needs

won´t be constantly refuted

where´s the spark you had inside?

where´s the fuel, the ram, the scapegoat?

were you taken for a ride?

are you really such a turncoat?

you betrayed what you held dear

and it left you isolated

you are bold but you should fear

you remain disorientated

LARZ GUSTAFSSON February 28, 2009

Fri vers av Larz Gustafsson VIP
Läst 256 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-28 21:51

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Larz Gustafsson VIP