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Se gärna min dikt om Death Valley från den 1 maj 08

Hollywood- forts.

(Efter diverse tillfällighetsarbeten, bl.a. inom sitt eget fack- kemin - är Sven åter i Hollywood.- Familjen, med de tre barnen, bor en tid hos brodern i Denver- i Buffalo Bills hus. Svägerskan har just ärvt detta efter sin morbror,William Cody).
juni 1929:
Another chance. I told you before you left, that I was going to give myself a chance in the movies this season. Whish me luck, dearest.
"A Queen in Quest of a Kingdom" ("Drottning Kristina"- manus för Greta Garbo) had been added to, cut down in expensive scenes and in general should make better moving picture material.
Yesterday was the 4th of July. I had a great workout on the beach; afterwards a long swim. Felt fine.
Today I was on an interview with the Fairbanks Company. I almost killed one so called fencing master; had a close up test and a still taken. Oscar Borg, the artist and artdirector, has promised me to take my stills to the production manager of the new Viking picture to be shot by Technicolor and Tec-Art.
I am training hard every day with swimming, fencing, wrestling and boxing etc. That´s the sort of thing that makes a hit in Hollywood if you are really good at it and your personality reflects this happy activity. With recognition comes money; and I believe I am gradually succeeding in convincing people that I am very real; and not just a lazy dreamer.
"A Queen in Quest of a Kingdom" har lämnats in till Greta Garbo. I hope she likes it. Some personal interest is necessary to get it over as it is going to be a big and expensive production. No doubt the story is good; I will send you a revised copy . Possibly then, I will also have Carl Seawall´s little story worked out. That one is going to be quite a small and inexpensive affair.
It seems that my fencing has made impression with Fairbanks; and I have heard I am to be on contract. I went to the chemical interwiew and have not heard anything since.
Put in my application to the chemical people requesting a salary of $400 a month.The sailor story of Seawall and myself I handen in the other day to Oscar Borg; he liked it very much and is going to personally recommend it to Technicolor.
Fairbanks has not got started yet. My present growth of double goatee and moustache of that period should be a great help to get on the stock which means about $75 or better aweek för 3 to 8 months. It is going to be quite a run and immeditly after the court sequence a lot of fencing is coming up . (En produktion av "De tre musketörerna).
Be it now chemistry, writing, acting or any other activity, I am sure that hapinness is ahead in not to distant a future.
Nyårsdagen 1929:
Familjen flyttar till Cartago, där Sven får arbete som kemist på sodafabriken vid saltsjön Owens lake i Mojave desert.

Övriga genrer av vera gade VIP
Läst 247 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-29 10:00

Författaren vera gade gick bort 2013. Texterna finns kvar på poeter.se som ett minnesmärke på den avlidnes och/eller de anhörigas begäran.

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