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In Memoriam

Father, oh Father - I Remember



oh father
that cold october night
is all I remember

how you suddenly
without a sound
fell onto the ground
on our terrace
just outside my window
to never rise again

I try to remember to forget
but the scenery keep on repeating itself in my head
it's stuck on replay
in slow-motion
in ultra rapid speed
I relive it every day
over and over again

oh father
I heard you breathing
for the last time
as your heart stopped beating
while I held you so tight in my arms
and since that evening
my heart hasn't stopped aching
not even for a little while

I yearn
I wish
for your return
but it's just a foolish wish
that won't ever come true

oh father
you left me
with so much pain inside
that won't ever subside
I could've built a river
with all the tears I've cried

but father
oh father
I'll always remember
the days I spent with you
those were the best days of my life

and I'll love you
forever and always




Fri vers av Nicklas VIP
Läst 1053 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2009-09-18 19:49

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