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MINA TEXTER, Arkiv 14 Texter

Loose Slacks And All Stars - 2012-11-13
Father - 2012-11-11
Because - 2012-11-11
Can you? - 2011-12-28
Unfold yourself - 2011-11-27
I am tired of being tired - 2011-11-21
Looking at the twilight - 2011-11-11
For you - 2011-11-09
Lady Rum - 2011-11-03
A stout man - 2011-11-03
Love in the sunlight - 2011-11-03
The red carnation and the damned (2) - 2011-10-25
Hangover in the sunshine - 2011-10-25
On Days like these, I air dry (1) - 2011-10-25

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Blev medlem oktober 2011

Har fått 7 applåder.