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Ronald de Feo shot his entire family
in the godforsakened house called Amityvillle
ghosts haunt the house still
and the towns people ask u to get a life, still
ronald de feo does time
responsible for the crime
that put him in jail
he´ll ask him do it godamnit he will
Amityville horror house wanna live in the horror house
wanna live in in the Amityville horror house
wanna live in the...horror house?
his sister will ask you to play with her she will
and after that, shell ask you to touch that hole in her head

Mentally ill from Amityville
dream house turned to nightmare for the Lutz
left everything they owned and fled
for a bargain price they sold it
after saying blood dripped from the walls
and the furniture moved
the Lutzes fled with the boat

mentally ill from Amityville
even if he snapped ´he is acccountable
mentally ill from Amityville



Fri vers av Kristina Hellgren
Läst 171 gånger
Publicerad 2011-04-04 16:15

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Kristina Hellgren
Kristina Hellgren