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what is life? Livet är en gåta... vi är vägens folk...

Poetic Nexus for Empathic Arguments :)


Is violent self-destruction
programmed in humans DNA?

***** group of stars… :) ******

- a shiny spectrum is uploading….

EvOluTion = SurVival

All living organism live by dying
= Metabolism

Our genes are replicating, continuously…
Old molecules die…
New ones are born …


I put flowers of time
in your hands only,
see, give them to the wind


Only phenomena which survive
is information….

In the singing strings of the matter
something very, very old
is hiding
waiting for a moment
to be born, too…


When you see
the starry sky
you can find
many of the stars
shine in vain.
Lonely Stars*******
They have no planets
that breed life.

¤ Your Room ¤
a boat, a ship, a vehicle
in time and space.
Outside world is like noise
disturbing your mind
or a cloud of promises.
Often it is only a place
for a restful night and dreams.


Friendship is more than
every morning
I want to see the rising Sun.
These moments are
the remembrance of old friends,
dear memories and happiness.

MORNING – you see it again, and again…

Life comes back with a song
dancing in the open heart
yes, it is a part
of continuous promises, so long.

A beautiful song circle,
an amazing dance circle.


I can still see rime ice
snowflakes falling down
my window,
of timeless beauty,
of hope…. and love.

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 535 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-02-03 03:17

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