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Honesty is the light

Sorrowful as it is. I let my spacious emotions for you. Give you a chance. To free your mind. In the way. That only a desperate man can. I called you up. You talked about now and then. Your lies has roughened my heart. I do not romanticize no more. Like you made me do. Before. Room service. Has finished. With a soft voice. You told me. I love you. I did not reply. Feelings. I have them. All of the time. But. That does not make you mine. Quiet. Like a thief in the night. You stole away that right. No. I was not prepared. Not willing to partake. In the devastating consequences of your dirty actions. Fractions. Of my desire. Is still there. Hidden. Deep. In the soul. Honesty. Is the light. That can ignite a spark. Sadly. You move in the dark.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Beatrice Berglund
Läst 206 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-09-25 17:06

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Beatrice Berglund
Beatrice Berglund