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For them with addicion to buiyng, drugs, clothes, love anything but all for the good!

Guilty Pleasure

Walking down the street of the boulevard
you suck in life of pleasure pain
Happy strollin rollin down a peakin drain
Prada, Gucci, Billecart Salmon all the same

I see you in a beuty shade 
your inside need coulour that quckly fades
so you go into land of profound vain

Oh darling At the sunset villa you bathe in clouds 
Kissing all the sights at a doubling spousssss
oooohhh the fast track go tyou spinning on
ooo   A single line to the Jet of a cloudy throne

N love high numbers got you climbing the rock
The temporary moments of high keep it all in stock
Use abuse all the arouses life can put you in a fuck
use it all until your stuck

In a addiction pain


Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Songbird VIP
Läst 247 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2017-11-05 10:39

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Songbird VIP