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A day called X

I just don't care
why should we live
and what for
I hate the money
I make
just makes me feel
like a slave

what can I count on
if nothing?
we live and we die
it never counts for anything
what does it matter
how we dream?
All it will end
so just come clean
day after day
like some machine

but still I feel
someday it will stop
and some way or another
we will come on top
that is a day
called X
A day I call
just X
A day called X

come on brothers
and sisters
together we'll make it
we'll just have to
put up a fight
if not for you
or me
than for nothing more
to end this feeling
of travesty

the day will come
you'll see
where no one will suffer
in misery
it is a day
called X
A day that I
call X
A day called X

don't just sit there
on your ass
we must come together
to save us
it's going to be painful
I'm sure
but it will be far less
than what we already endure

I can see it
how it would be
if we stopped being
crazy, you'll see
spiritual creatures
once more
never to feel cut off

it is a day
called X
A day I call
just X
A day called X

Fri vers av Alexander Gustafsson VIP
Läst 363 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2017-11-28 18:40

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Alexander Gustafsson
Alexander Gustafsson VIP