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Break just to keep on living

Walk the path of chaos
With the same tenderness and persistence
As you would if it was a paved road
For it is yours and only yours
And no-one else has any right to tell you
Which way to go

It is okay if you get lost
It is all right to fall and get dirt on your knees
To scratch your skin
And look for guidance

But keep on walking
Keep on trying
Embrace your wild
The fire within
For you were not put into this world
To stand still
Or to walk a path
Constructed by others

Look to the stars or look into your heart
For you will find the same answer
The reflection of the soft light of the moon
Resting in the safety of your chest

Within you
Is every fire ever lit
Every tear ever shed
Every sunrise and fall
All the power of all the seeds sown
The ones who break just to keep on living

You are fire
You are water
You are air
You are earth
You are woman

Fri vers (Fri form) av Tess Waltenburg
Läst 252 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2018-03-31 14:28

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Tess Waltenburg
Tess Waltenburg