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"Simple Species"



are they



"Humans are primates who hold valuable things for their own bloodlines at the expense of everyone else..."

-hm.. and do not understand that getting what you want fucks you up ;) in time...


-our souls are here

on the Earth

only when our bodies are here - too


what happens before and after

beyond the understanding

-who knows?


Love can explain

that we have to be here

we are asking

why so much pain?



-see, find something bigger then you

and put it between U and the person looking...

an ultimate solution?


In a fight like this

you're willing to loose everything to win,

you loose it all by loosing..



Many thoughts

are very old

they are coming from an ancient time

I see shadows all the time.

"The great civilizations that rose thousands years ago fell into darkness but they left roads, buildings and some books behind..."


I love walk along the shore

of my – that Ocean

trying to hear old songs

still travelling with the wind and waves

around this world.

"-your fate cannot be parted:

then, journey on, if not elate,

still, never broken -hearted!"


I love books

time live still in them

feelings frozen

they always chase after me

as a beautiful night dream

a mist I've forgotten to see

rain in my soul

fire in my heart.


I want you to be

on a forest road

not alone

the movement

is yours

I only want you to feel it

even with the closed eyes

trees begin to dance

of happiness.



-"...when you have a little water, a little carbon, a constant stream of energy + a few millions years so life will happen.."


-this smile is 4 U


Ps . -nothing more...

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 344 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2020-07-27 19:55

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