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Passenger List

oh your name is already on the passenger list

the Signs of of life and wonder 

Oh the peaceful heart

the call of yander 

You fold the crossword puzzle 

it drizzles it dazzels 

You slipper life in sloppy walks 

the tired feet when the mind does not talk 

and how you could change the set of mind 

if you New where you were on the step of time

to Grasp the roses  there while time is still 

life is not a quensching drill

you participate in blasphemy 

your Blindfolded by your own truth 

you love in spectrums of altruistic youth 

You yander in faith of  consent

spend time as of it was eternity spend 

now rise and make a day old sun of a gun 

live your life before you make the run. 


Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 71 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2022-12-25 11:48

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Songbird VIP