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God Nytt År/Happy New Year!! 2 U.u.u and u… 2



Is it already 2023

No, not possible

Too quick

Too much

Ye, such much ha ha


Att vara vaken
varje morgon
och se solen go upp

Your dream?

It is mine :)


You see
a new life is appearing now,
this very morning too

and tomorrow

and after tomorrow

the circle of life


a dance between

compassion and wisdom

..for whom?

me of course , too

and U 2


Values are dynamic?

do you think that stillness and silence are negative,?

Lets move! or lets sit still! ;)


  But sometimes we can  meet

 in “I don’t know where” garden.

at an evening

in the stone garden.

And Look!

you see

cloudless evening and constant moon

the great beauty flowering

 just around us

 the spectrum of dying day

all things only of earth and water

 we need composed us

in the landscape and the night

because we are worth

to survive the next morning.


do not swim solo in this sea -life

here you are often a stranger

don’t expose you for such danger,

simple ..yes? ha ha

-no it is not  ;)

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 175 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2023-01-13 00:11

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