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Subconscious Journey

You work on my subconsious like Ive never known

Its like a twin flame in progress

I need not know because i know you know

You do know i keep journaling on this journey

This is a constant flow of calmness

To free my mind from toxic

It helps me feeling free and letting my energy flow properly

I aspire to be light so i can adress happenings calmly although i know i

am a force of nature

Affirmation helps you take on the peaceful things in life,

you Will get through this strife

It all helps you charge positive patterns

Be around people that are positive, being  helpful and peaceful


I do aspire to live for ascension

Always being in my own autenthic self

Its a process, its a struggeling journey

Being true to yourself that is

Im not fully there

I start it whith feeling it can spread from there, its my calling

and writing this i even have a aphifanny

Ive comitted to work on myself so i can shine brighter to pass it on and on and on

Always following the intuition and inner guidance with love

We are not meant to be separated,

we Will meet on our way.

You know that dont you?

And who are you? 


I beleive there is but one twin flame

But a soulmate can give you the right path

Are we soulmates or twinmates?

Its all reciprocal

It has a purpose i yet not know of why

This is still to be learned from the Universe

It all is mindblowing

For some weeks i cannot rest and its like im on a bumpy river ride

Ive had peace in my soul for so long and suddenly it shakes me, i cannot sleep

Its such a strong force within me

Both energy and weakmess in the weakness

Ive been shifting between love and pain

Im emotional and await the karmic lesson


Im here, there always and everywhere

Spiritual guides


I do beleive enlightment comes as grace when you expect or desire nothing

When we are content with it is what it is

In some im not there, i do desire

It is as i have to disconncet from humans to understand the gifter truth, this i have hard time to still understand

 Im on the right path, this i know

I feel enlightned in my darkness yet somewhere overwhelmed by understanding the meaning of ascending to the fullest

Even if i have a long way still to go

 I know the gift of all of this is the greatest

Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 83 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-03-18 09:55

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Songbird VIP