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When I was someone


Back then when I was dreaming.

Back then I wonder how.

I thought there was a meaning. 

It's all so different  now.


I do not know the how and why

and I don't wanna see.

I can't remember last I tried

or when I wanna be.


Have no idea when it all changed,

or when I disappeared.

All I know - this world is strange

and I'm no longer here.


If I am quiet, standing still,

I guess you wouldn't see.

You walk past me, here on this hill,

not notice it is me.


Back then, I know, there was a world

and I was still someone.

Today there's nothing left for me.

I am so very done.


I left my last hope here to die,

of no use anymore.

I'm checking out there's nothing left.

It's not my home, for sure.


This is my final last goodbye 

- my final words to you -

Been dead so long but I do know 

I was someone and so were you.

It's  time for me to go!

Bunden vers (Rim) av Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP
Läst 102 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2023-04-10 12:07

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  christian hüls VIP
Fin stillsam lek med ord och rim om ett inte alls lika stillsamt innehåll. Den gör mig lyssna inåt på ett förundrat sätt och skapar en märklig stämning jag har svårt att slita mig ifrån. Tack

    ej medlem längre
So good, so intense, so lovely.
I am absolut sure someone, out there, love You the way You want.
Your poem got me, all the way.
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Recycled Redhead 3.0
Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP