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A Poet when Faith is the thing with fears


When Carved they become good

One can hope

Every action has a equal and opposite reaction

Yet how can one understand greif or someones delusional demons

They choose loss of something devine and you realize someones reality

Were surviving neon gods that has surpassed our time

The ellipse that took so so many turns

in heart of deep turmoils

From life to stone then back again

A midnight sun in despair fighting to keep up the light

(  i really cant sleep for real its so damn bright here in the north)

Ahead of the darkness which perhaps enters

A dear loving friend once said the stone is alive too!

I never thought of it that way

Suposedly it has vibrations and its all conected. 

We all meet again in one way or another shape or form

Yet It made me think of life in a another indescribable  way

The paradoxal way of all living

The hardness in feelings,

the softsides quite contrary

Its doesnt just aply to greenery och blooming fields & pearly waters.

How can one even understand sickness of all kinds?

How does one surpass divinity?

All these earthly concerns

Yet they talk of all the wars on the borders of escape, some cannot flee these wars

Soft and hard values

and the bird outside sings a melody only a poet can hear and there i go…

The Birds beutiful yet constant chirping outside  this is like the womans opening flower, it comes with all.


I read them

I hear them

I feel them

The words utterly eluding to grasp

The way they all go about whithout linguistic struggles

Yet i struggle, this struggle is real now in a new way that makes me troubled not knowing What the solution is but ”time”

But compared to whom?

There is a way the war always can be made or saved even by a pencil or what not,

because so can perhaps by chance or faultry love be. Being strong. To love. 

My own pen is Portrayed whith with the same fierce sets of troubles or victorys but nobodys dying, there all methafors or at least most of them. The thoughts lingering from a thinking mind


Anyways. This caught me ungard

The way i turn down a love so strongly felt

The Ardent true feelings

No use to even try your best. 

Its all these ways of lifes uncertanties

How i cocooned my manifestos for so long

How i in one way won. 

How we write with fear of faith

Or faith with fear

Is there even a difference?

What if hope is gone?

Did i just say that

Its for the first time.

For some people it is


With abundance i put my thoughts and feelings down in silence. Straightening up.

I no longer know if its night or morning, its bright just the same.

It never turnéd dark beond my heart shutting down.

Beauty is sometimes pain in silence naturally, then again what is

silence when you write it out loud?


The Orchestra is waiting for my voice now

so and ill go about singing something like

Whatever your feeling i feel it to…

Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 67 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2023-10-25 20:49

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Songbird VIP