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From my book My Own Poems of Life


I have Schizophrenia
It's these voices I get
These things in my head
Thoughts that I get that are not mine
They tell me to do terrible things
I really hate them
I don't know why I have them
I will probably never know
Maybe it's because what I have been through
I got them when I was young

I will never obey though
That would be really terrible
But it will never happen
I told about these a long time ago
I'm glad I did
And I got help
Got medicin that helps some
With these things
With my voices
With my Schizophrenia

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
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Publicerad 2024-04-26 12:55

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Tommi Perkiö
Tommi Perkiö VIP