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This poem is inspired by the spirit of Cinderella but emphasizes personal strength, resilience, and self-determination. It’s a reminder that every person can create their own “happily ever after,” regardless of their circumstances.

Cinderella-Like Poem

In the heart of the city, not a palace but a home,
A girl of grit and grace, amidst the urban chrome.
Her days filled with labor, her nights devoid of dreams,
In a life like a relentless river, or so it seems.

Her heart, a silent prayer, her spirit, a hidden gem,
In the mirror of her soul, she sees a diadem.
Her life, a stark contrast, to the fairy tale's theme,
Yet in her heart, she harbors a Cinderella dream.

She dreams not of a prince, or a life of regal ease,
But of respect and freedom, and days spent as she please.
She yearns not for glass slippers, or a gown of silk and lace,
But for recognition, equality, and a warm embrace.

In the ballroom of life, she dances to her own beat,
With resilience as her rhythm, and challenges she'll defeat.
Her Cinderella moment, not at the stroke of twelve,
But in every small victory, and the stories she'll tell.

So here's to the Cinderellas, in every situation,
Finding strength within, sparking their own transformation.
Their lives may not be fairy tales, in the traditional sense,
But they're authors of their stories, and their courage is immense.


Fri vers (Fri form) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 20 gånger
Publicerad 2024-05-15 10:52

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP