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Life, Death and Time


Life is a hectic thing, full of danger and peril

Death is a calm soothing river

But one must not forget the joys of life

The flowers of the world smell for you

But then again so do the wrongs of man

And the fires of hell are warm and meant for her

Life is filled with love and beauty

With happiness and wonders

But then Death is the sweetest embrace

Finally resting soft, in his arms

And Time, the most marvelous of possesions

Always slips away

Time flows forward

Life flows backward

Death, is at a halt

Wheter you want Life, Death or Time

None of these take notice of you

If you want Life, you die

If you want Death, you live

If you want Time, you fail

All one can do, is what one can do best.... nothing

Fri vers av Nightly_Poet
Läst 163 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-20 22:03

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