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my love for you is eternal

what i have done and regret!

i know what i have done to you

i broke your heart

broke my own heart

the pain

the sorrow

the heartache

the feeling

its not enough words in this universe to describe

what i felt


and after this

you stil loves me

many night after we talk

i go to bed crying

cuz you stil loves me

thank you

i regrewt everything i have done to you

i love you

and what i have done will never happend again

i love you

i dont wanna loose you

im sorry hun

my life without you

i rather die

ill repair us now you and your heart

mine and my heart

we do this together

i love you my maria <3<3

til death rips us apart

and even then

Fri vers (Fri form) av im_yours
Läst 255 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-11-20 16:02

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