I am the voice from a nameless intellect that talks to You from nowhere and everywhere. Can you hear me? Do you hear that I’m here talking to You? You don’t know from where I come. Thus you can’t reply.
Cogito ergo sum, Cartesius said. Do you doubt? Dubito! I doubt! Be reasonable now! Ratio!
Am I God? You don’t know that, but neither do I. I’m the voice inside my own head that echoes. I’m mighty when I strike, and I strike with power.
Why would you listen to me? Don’t You have Your own voice, similar to Mine?
I believe You are similar to me, but I do not know. I think that I’m similar to myself, but not even that is certain.
Can’t you hear that I’m calling you?
A nameless intellect talking to itself, but hoping that You should hear, that is Me.
I’m calling You, but You won’t reply. Why are You quiet? Well, You couldn’t reply. That’s why I’m making this monologue.
But can’t you hear me calling? I’m shouting. I’m screaming. I’m commanding you to be quite and listen!
But how can I know that you listen, when you won’t respond? I’m the only one talking. Am I the only one there is? Do You really exist? Or are You and I the same?
I tried to reply and said: ”Here am I”. Then the voice announced:
I spoke to You and You replied and said “Here am I”. What do you mean?
I know that I am here and that You are not. And how could You be Me?
What are You trying to say to Me? Don’t You know that I’m the one I am?
I don’t know who You are and when I ask You, You just reply “Here am I”.
I AM HERE, not You!
Don’t You remember that I commanded You to be silent and listen to Me? Thus: Be silent when I speak!
Hearken! My voice is everywhere. The whole world is echoing with it. Don’t You hear?
I can create with my voice; I can create words which You can’t understand.
Can’t You hear it? Hear me when I’m talking to You!
Does Your silence speak to Me?
Why did You just say “Here am I”? You have not been listening to what I’ve been saying. I said: “Where are You”?
Then You shall not reply “Here am I”. I have already announced that I am here. I am the one I am and I am here. You are somewhere else. I am like You and You are like Me. You are not Me! Just like.
Hear me! I’m enormous! I am force. I am Power.
You shall fear My voice when I’m calling. I talk and You listen. You blaspheme with Your voice. You shall answer when I call for You!
Thus do I speak and thus have I spoken and that’s what I’m saying, therefore.
I answered the voice thus: “I say as Job: I’ve ventured to talk once but shall not speak again. No, twice, but now no more”.
Why do You ridicule me? Why do You despise me? Why do You talk to Me in riddles?
Ha! Don’t You think I don’t understand what You’re saying. I have knowledge of everything. Of EVERY THING! I am the one I am and I am greater. Be silent, you bug!
Hearken and I shall announce.
I said then: “I venture to speak a third time. I tell you: I’m listening. Speak then: and I shall hear.
Then said the voice:
The people behave
The people behave like swine.
Yet, We throw pearls before them.
they buy make-up for the pearls.
The people prostitute.
Commit to whoredom.
Who is selling them?
I’m buying! I’m buying!
Sin and shame on the people.
they will be trampled under the feet.
Does a pig look beautiful because it has adorned itself with make-up?
The people have taken what belongs to darkness into the light.
I say: their lamp shall burn out.
The sun won’t shine on them no more.
Woe to the people!
I don’t want to see them any longer.
they are ugly in their make-up.
To whose image were they created?
The great swine.
The whore.
I will slaughter them,
but they should not be sacrificed.
they will be slaughtered and thrown at the refuse heap.
The whoring people.
A day will come when no one will buy.
When Ye have trampled all the pearls to dust.
The make-up will be worn off.
Ye will be naked before the judgment.
I can’t stand it no more.
Ye shall be hidden.
Ye commit to whoredom in the open.
But not much longer.
I say onto Ye:
I shall unlit the lamp.
No more will at shine on You.
Until then I’ll bide in the dark.
But one day will I search with lantern for You.
My judgment will be harsh;
And mercy far away.
My anger is enormous.
It consumes Me from within.
But just wait! Ha!
One day it will consume You.
In fire Ye will burn.
And in fire Ye will be lost.
Just like the burning flame that forces You to whoredom.
Your whoredom will be Your own downfall.
That day I will laugh.
I said: “I venture to speak once more: tell me, to whom are you talking, oh you who announce?”
Then said the voice:
Hear Me! Me, whose voice echoes. Dost Thou hear me? I’m talking to You!
Which Ye? I and Thou? Or Thou and them?
they shall be written in minuscule. Thou and I shall be written with CAPITALS.
We will not listen to them. Ye have done what Ye should do. This is Our time instead of Yours.
I say onto Ye, truly, Ye will be silent, but Ye won’t hear. Ye will listen, but be like deaf. Ye will speak but no one will hearken. When someone listens, Ye will be like someone who is dumb.
Who art Thou to whom I talk? Who am I, who talks to Thee?
Alas, if We knew.
Thou dost not hide behind make-up like them. they dress up before Me, so that I can’t behold them. Ha! I see right through them. they are like shadows to me. Like glass. Like a glass of wine. It will be smashed and poured onto the soil like blood!
Hear me, when I announce!
they are swine. their feet trample down and destroy everything. they grub with their dirty snouts in the ground in the belief that they will find more pearls to trample there.
Woe to them! Woe to all of You!
Do I blaspheme if I believe myself to be God?
they don’t believe in anything! I believe. Dost Thou believe, who listens? Hearken now! Tell me what Thou thinkst. I’m projecting my image onto Thee like a mirror. Answer! Art thou not an artist?
I said: ”You bade me speak, and you bade me reply, and thus I venture to talk again. I tell you this: You are not God. You are Satan, the Devil. That’s why you talked to me that way. The Scriptures say that the Evil One governs the Earth, but John wrote: “We know that we are of God and that the whole world is in the Evil One’s grasp”. Be silent, Satan, and go away.”
Then the voice talked to me again and said:
“My wrath is flaming towards You. It will consume You, as it consumes me. Ha! You are My reflection! If you call me Satan, then You are the Devil yourself.
You mention the scriptures. Fool! The scriptures also say: “as You judge others, so will also You be judged”. Ha!
Hear Me laughing at You. You’ve listened, but you couldn’t understand. Fool!
How do You dare talking to me?
You said that John wrote that “We know”. We know, yes! But “We” are both You and I. Am I of God, are You of God. I have said that I am like You, but where You are, I am not, and where I am, You are not.
The sky mirrors itself in the ocean and the sun in the moon. It’s a projection. I AM. You are not. You are a glare, a phantom.
I’m delirious! I’m dreaming! You do not exist. Only I am the one who is.
Now I know that You aren’t Me. You are like them, like them who are whoring harlots, who adorn their vain appearance with make-up to hide themselves, though they prostitute themselves in the open; they don’t want anyone to see that they’re empty, and are constantly trying to fill themselves full by whoring.
Woe to them! I’ll smash this mirror to pieces. I can’t stand to look at it anymore.
I’ll be silent, never to talk again. I will hide in the dark, never to be seen again. they will ask for Me, they will call for Me, but I will not show up and I will not reply.
Fools are what Ye are. Swine! Ye are impure. The surface of the mirror is stained with blood and sin.
I wanted You to listen, but now You shall ask for Me, but I won’t reply no more.
Fool! That You ventured to deny Me! That became Your own judgment. When You condemned Me, You condemned Yourself.
Then I said: “As you tell me that now you will be silent, I can speak freely. Who was first condemning? You or I? Who was it that said: ‘But one day will I search with lantern for you. My judgment will be harsh; and mercy far away. My anger is enormous. It consumes me from within. But just wait! Ha! One day it will consume you’?
It wasn’t I that condemned! Your judgment preceded mine. You said to me: “You are my reflection”. In that case I condemned you after you condemned the people. I tell you: if you want to deserve other names than Satan or Devil, you should be sooner to mercy than condemnation. If the people are your reflection, your image, and you condemn them, then they will condemn you. Don’t you understand? If the mirror image is a swine, how much greater swine isn’t the one whose image is seen in the mirror? And if the mirror is dirty, it could always be smashed and the image gone, but the impurity of the one whose image was seen in the mirror won’t be gone that easily. Don’t you remember that you said: ’Am I god? You don’t know that but neither do I’? Then I’ll tell you: I don’t know who you are, but one thing do I know: you are not God!
Yea, truly, are you a nameless intellect, but no more than that.
Perhaps you wish to be a god? I tell you: you will never be!
You say: ‘the people hide behind make-up’. Then what about you, who ‘hides in darkness and silence’?
You say: ‘I am like you and you are like me. You are not me’. You say: ‘I strike with power’ and “I can create with my voice. I can create words which you can’t understand’. Then I say: as your words are to me, thus are my words to you.
Now have also I spoken and will say no more”.
And I sat there in the darkness and the voice refused to reply.
Outside I could hear the people’s din. And it disturbed me, the people’s din. But what could I do? Certainly, I’m not God.
Thus I stayed in the dark and am there still.