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Laika is the only one who've ever made it to heaven

Chopin's pianotunes filled the solid night
like iceskates cut through frozen water
She thought of Laika in her orbit
and all the stars around her
Like licking lips or biting nails
she could not help it

As she went towards the garden's heart
the night was filled with darkness
The bottom of the well called out her name
when she screamed into it
and when she looked she felt
the stare echoe back right to her

The very instant moment, space in time
seeked to tell her
That what is lost will be found
and Laika is the only one
who've ever made it to heaven

Fri vers av Lo Z.
Läst 303 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-05-11 14:33

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