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Text/Musik - Tette Merio -02. Skrev den i samband med min skilsmässa. Låten går att höra i min videopresentation här i sidan.

Will Follow

You say you must go
That your heart’s already gone, away
You say you’ve stopped believe
That you can no longer feel, for us anyway

Ain´t you the one who said
That you always would be here for me
Well, were ever you may go
My lonely heart and soul, baby will follow

Through so many years
And with so many fears, we loved so deep
So how can you say, it all despaired
The love you felt for me

You´re the one who said
That you always would be here for me
Well, were ever you may go
My lonely heart and soul, baby will follow

I tried to ask you why
I tried to ask you how – how can this be
Cause Baby you’re the one
Who told ME not to run
You’ve always asked me to believe

So, were ever you may go
My longing heart and soul, baby will follow

Yes, you’re the one who said
That you always would be here for me
Well, were ever you may go
My lonely heart and soul, baby will follow

Were ever you may go
My lonely heart and soul, baby will follow

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Tette Merio
Läst 700 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-09-27 13:17

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Tette Merio
Tette Merio